* Recruitment is the discovering of potential people for current or
  possible future jobs
* Certain influences constrain managers:
  - Companies image
  - Attractiveness of Job
  - Internal policies
  - Union Requirements
  - Government Requirements
* Popular sources for recruitment include:
  - Internal 'customers' search
  - Advertisements
  - Employee referrals
  - Employment agencies
  - Temporary employment agencies
  - Schools, colledges, and Universities
  - Professional organisations
  - Casual or un-asked for applicants
* Afirmative Action - Minority recruitment: (since 1975)
  They can not descriminate by law in their recruitment practices.
  Legislations are now in order which prevent people hiring people
  based on a prejudice of their own, or a pre-set rule of the company.
  People who have previously descriminated against include: ethinic
  groups, a persons marital status, sexual preference, sex, and more.
  These prejudices in the past have caused for these groups not to be
  employed generally only on these facts alone, even if they were
  superior to other contenders for a position. Acts such as the
  'Sexual Descrimination Act' prevent this sort of thing from occuring
  legally and especially the 'Equal Opportunities legislation'. Except
  in the case of GENUINE characteristics which are un-acceptable
  (eg.criminal record)
* Recruitment methods vary by economic conditions and the type of

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