International Trade:

Reasons for trade - Limited domestic market
                  - Gain resources, Gain goods
                  - International specialisation
                  - Absolute advantage
                  - Comparative advantage

Composition - Export: - Rural, resources
                      - Manafacturers
                      - Services
            - Import: - Machinery
                      - Transport equipment
                      - Chemicals

Largest     - Export: - Japan
                      - N. Asia
                      - S.E. Asia
            - Import: - USA
                      - Japan
                      - EEC

Trends      - Export: - Increased services -> Tourism
                                           -> Education
                      - Increased E.T.M.
            - Import: - Increased machinery (computers & hardware)
                      - Transport equipment

Increased importance of International Business:
- From mid 1980's increase in exports and imports, therefore a
  decrease in tariffs', deregulation, microeconomy reforms
- Encouraged by governments, therefore a reduction in unemployment,
  but an increase in St. of h.

Balance of payments:
Balance of current account:
Goods &  { (A) Balance of goods services = Exports - Imports
Services { (B) Factor income = Export$ services - Import$ services
         { (C) Net unrequired transfers
Balance on capital account money

Normally Australia has a _defecit_ on it's Current Account
(IE. CAD), caused by: - (i) decreased terms of trade
                            therefore decreased P of rural
                            therefore increased price of
                            imports as decreased price of Exports
                       (ii) decreased international competitiveness
                            therefore increased cash, low productivity,
                            decreased australian dollar
                      (iii) Increased imports therefore fast growth
                       (iv) Increased capital inflow / foreign


Current Account:
Balance on merchandise trade
      Net Service
 = Balance on goods and services
        Net transfers
 = Balance on current account

Capital Account:
Offical capital transactions
Non-offical capital transactions
 = Balance on capital account


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